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5 Reservoirs Retrofit Program

5 Reservoirs Retrofit Program - concrete being piped into project

Projects 5 Reservoirs Retrofit Program 5 Reservoirs Retrofit Program Padre Dam Municipal Water District Alpine, CA $4,431,195.23 2013 Description TC was contracted by Padre Dam Municipal Water District to reline an existing 2.6 MG underground reservoir and build a new 3.24 MGD water pump station to support community demands in the Alpine community of San […]

Eden Gardens Sewer Pump Station

Eden Gardens Sewer Pump Station view from street

Projects Eden Gardens Sewer Pump Station Eden Gardens Sewer Pump Station City of Solana Beach Del Mar $4,217,936 2010 Description Eden Gardens Sewer Pump Station was a Design-Bid-Build project for the City of Solana Beach. The work consisted of demolition and reconstruction of an existing sewer pump station. Live sewer bypassing, deep excavation with beam […]

Dike 4 Pump Station & Recharge Basins

Dike 4 Pump Station & Recharge Basins interior image of pumps monitored by worker

Projects Dike 4 Pump Station & Recharge Basins Dike 4 Pump Station & Recharge Basins Coachella Valley Water District Coachella $13,200,000 contract amt recharge basins + PS contract amount was $6,325,000 2009 Description The Thomas E. Levy Groundwater Replenishment Facility (Dike 4 Recharge Basins) will percolate 40,000 acre feet of water annually into the aquafir […]