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Dike 4 Pump Station & Recharge Basins

Dike 4 Pump Station & Recharge Basins

Coachella Valley Water District


$13,200,000 contract amt recharge basins + PS contract amount was $6,325,000



The Thomas E. Levy Groundwater Replenishment Facility (Dike 4 Recharge Basins) will percolate 40,000 acre feet of water annually into the aquafir in the eastern Coachella Valley. This amount of water is approximately what is used each year by 40,000 households. By replenishing the aquifer, overdraft of ground water supplies throughout the eastern valley are alleviated. In 30 years, the ground water level in the eastern Coachella Valley will be up to 105 feet higher than it would have been had this facility not been built.

The Dike 4 Recharge Basins project consisted of:

  • 350,000 cubic yards of grading
  • Formation of 39 basins in 163 acres
  • 25 acre ground water infiltration basin
  • 7000 linear feet of 18 to 48 inch ductile iron water pipe
  • Inlet and outlet basins
  • Interconnecting spillways
  • 11,000 linear feet of telemetry conduits
  • Water distribution mains to service the new 19 MGD raw water pump station

The Dike 4 Pump Station portion consisted of:

  • Masonry pump station building, underground structural concrete, interior and exterior coatings
  • Installation of new 48 inch CML&C suction and discharge water main
  • Two 60 foot diameter, 500,000 gallon, welded steel water tanks
  • New pump station with four vertical turbine pumps – two 200 HP, one 350 HP, and one 800 HP
  • Flow metering vaults and surge tanks
  • Electrical and instrumentation
  • Yard piping, site work, surface improvements, HVAC & fencing
Dike 4 Pump Station & Recharge Basins water being pumped into basin