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Oceanside Sewer Lift Station

Oceanside Sewer Lift Station

City of Oceanside

City of Oceanside




The City of Oceanside had an existing sewer lift station that was built in the 1960’s and had reached the end of its useful life. The project required the construction of an entirely new site approximately two blocks from the old site. Construction required mass grading and the installation of both soil nail and an MSE wall, to provide an adequate foot print. The concept for the new station was to reflect the “Mission” architectural style, used by the City of Oceanside for other buildings throughout the city.

Construction of the underground portion of the station was challenging because of the soil conditions and ground water. Complete dirt export, and intricate beam and plate shoring systems, were used to allow for concrete installation. Over 1200 cubic yards of concrete were poured to form 2 wet wells, a dry well and emergency storage. On top of the concrete structure sits a 1200 square foot masonry building with a tile roof. This structure houses electrical gear, restroom, odor control unit, 350 KW back up generator and HVAC systems. Four vertical chopper pumps were installed in the dry well with new piping out to the sewer force main. On Oceanside Blvd., TC Construction installed 660 linear feet of 21 inch PVC gravity sewer lines to connect to existing influent sewer. Also installed were 1200 linear feet of 10 inch PVC force main.