

Dulzura FLUME Emergency Repair

Dulzura Flume Emergency Repair

City of San Diego

Dulzura, CA




As an approved contractor for on-call Emergency Construction Services for the City of San Diego, TC Construction was selected to propose and perform repairs to the Dulzura Conduit Flume. The flume, in the back country of San Diego County, was built over 100 years ago, and is a continuous concrete structure carrying potable water from Barrett Lake to Otay Lakes. Soil erosion and concrete failures have necessitated immediate repairs to secure the integrity of the flume. TC Construction fabricated a steel liner that was placed within the existing conduit, extending past both sides of the failed section, restoring integrity for that section of the flume. Because of the inaccessibility of the damaged flume section, 3 separate steel sections, totaling 44ft, were each lifted into place by helicopter. The sections were then welded together and coated with a UV resistant epoxy to prevent erosion of the steel. Our thanks to Fairlift/Aris Helicopters, based in Northern and Southern California, for a successful mission.

Helicopter lifting metal section into place on Dulzura flume