

Sewer & Water Group 957

Sewer & Water Group 957

City of San Diego

Downtown San Diego




This was a Design-Bid-Build project for the City of San Diego.

The work consisted of:

  • Removal and replacement of  8,200 feet of 8 to 20 inch water mains
  • Fire hydrants and services, water services, associated appurtenances, water main highlining
  • Removal and replacement of 1,900 feet of 8 to 15 inch sewer mains, laterals, manholes, sewer bypassing
  • Complex trench shoring methods due to the depth of the sewer and proximity to existing live utilities.
  • Monitoring and mitigation of hazardous materials
  • Replacement of concrete pedestrian ramps
  • Slurry sealing, asphalt paving and striping.

This project was particularly challenging as it was located in the busy Gaslamp District of downtown San Diego. It was adjacent to several major streets that required community and business outreach, extensive traffic control implementation, modified work hours and night work.

13-027 Sewer and Water Group 957, machinery and crew excavating deep trench in busy commercial district